¿Hey, whatcha doin on this page???

miles was here 
OK, what's the deal with the cache.
Change file at 14:25, www1 and www2 show change, www3 lags behind
Possible cache update by running fs getfid? Testing:

Change at 14:30, propagation issue still there. getfid doesn't fix it.
Does another write?

No, file still at 14:25 on www3. Does fs exa doe it? No. Time is now 14:34. Another write. Writes with no change: 14:37 14:48.

Testing fs flush. ls then returned IO error, fs flush didn't fix, flushvol did. 15:04

Cache still not udating. 15:04.
fs flushall, cache cleared. write 15:13
No cache update.
Cache finally updated (on it's own?) 15:38. No change after write.

Rebooting www3 at 15:45. OK on startup. Write test at 15:47, file on www3 was stale. OOps, somebody else rebooted it?

Write change at 15:51, www3 is still stale.

yum upgrade Upgrading kmod-yfs
rebooting 15:57
Cache not updating.

15:59 last file write, everything up to date as of 16:08. New write, www3 still stale.

Working on it with Auristor, trying to see if this is a client bug or extremely local weirdness. I wonder if this page is in Google's cache?

It's just where I put stuff that I'm experimenting on for possible f¯uture use.

류 광

Clock requires Netscape
Click for Stanford weather forecast Click for Stanford weather forecast

Stanford's Center for the Study of Linguistics and Information is currently preparing a series of books that contain archival forms of my published papers, and they want to pay someone to put most of the illustrations into MetaPost form. If you are interested in exploring this possibility, please send a message to dikran@csli.stanford.edu.

[Well, that position may be filled; I've saved that paragraph just in case the opportunity arises again. Also here's another saved paragraph, which should help me remember how I once did some formatting on another page:]

The next talk in the series is entitled

The MMIX Architecture Simulator: A Testbed for Buzzword-Compliant Pipelines

and the date is

Wednesday March 3

and the room number is B01 and the time is 4:15. (This lecture will feature online demonstrations of some new software that allows infinite experimentations with the parameters of high-performance computer design. Using the new MMIX architecture, one can specify any degree of superscalar, superpipelined machines with any number of functional units each implementing arbitrary subsets of the operations. Each operation can take a specified amount of time in each of a specified number of pipeline stages. Many varieties of caches, many varieties of branch prediction, etc., are supported in a machine that does speculative execution with dynamic scheduling.)

PS file for testing

류귑 컴퓨터 프로긔래밍의 예술 기초 알고리즘 준수치적 정럴 과 검색

Don Knuth's Home Page

Don Knuth's Home Page

A Nonexistent Page

Don Knuth's Home Page

Don Knuth's Home Page

Don Knuth's Home Page

First Lutheran Church

  • playing the organ;
  • Playing the Organ

    I'll be playing organ (continuo) with strings, trumpets, and timpani in a performance of Mozart's Vesperæ Solennes de Confessore on Sunday, April 27, 4:00 pm, at First Lutheran Church in Palo Alto (corner of Homer and Webster streets).


    MMIX Day

    Following up on the successful ``West Coast MMIX Day'' held at Stanford in August, we're getting ready for the ``East Coast MMIX Day'' at Harvard, on Tuesday October 26. This event, hosted by Norman Ramsey, begins at 10am, in a room to be announced (somewhere in the new Maxwell Dwork CS building). I will demo the MMIX assembler and its two simulators and answer everybody's questions. We plan to run for two hours, then break for lunch, and continue for another two or three hours or until everybody is too tired and/or saturated to continue...

    Everybody is invited; please send email to pennell@eecs.harvard.edu if you have questions or if you want to be sure there is room for you!

    It would be best if people are familiar with at least the tutorial information about MMIX that is described below; even better if attendees have tried to download and install the software themselves; even better if they have tried to write and run at least one short program. You are welcome to come even if you know nothing about the machine; but you (and I) will get more out of the day the more you know beforehand.

    The next lecture in the series is entitled

    Sand Piles and Spanning Trees (the 11th annual Christmas Tree Lecture)

    and the date is

    Monday December 13

    and it will take place in

    Skilling Auditorium at 4:30pm

    (Please note the nonstandard time and place.)

    The next talk in the series is entitled

    Finding All Spanning Trees

    and the date is

    Tuesday, December 16

    and the room number is B01 and the time is 4:15.

    The spanning trees of a graph or network of n points are the ways to connect those points by choosing n-1 of the available point-to-point interconnections. I will discuss an interesting procedure by which we can run through all possible spanning trees in such a way that only one branch of the tree is changed at every step. The method is particularly nice when the given graph is a series--parallel network.

    This talk will be the 10th annual "Christmas Tree Lecture", and it is also part of the Stanford Computer Forum's Emeritus Lecture Series.

    The next talk in the series is entitled

    Trees, Rivers, and RNA: The Twelfth Annual Christmas Tree Lecture

    and the date is

    Wednesday December 7

    and the place is

    Terman Auditorium

    and the time is 4:30.

    I will discuss the amazing fact that the so-called Horton-Strahler number of a river has the same statistical properties as the so-called complexity of single-stranded nucleic acid structures, as well as being equivalent to the number of registers needed to evaluate algebraic expressions in a computer. If time permits, I'll also discuss other surprising appearances of this statistic, for example in new combinatorial objects called Kepler towers.