@*Intro. This program makes {\mc DLX} data for MacMahon's problem of putting his 24 four-colored triangles into a hexagon, matching colors at the edges. The outer edge color is forced to be \.a. (It's a rewrite of the program that I wrote in September 2004.) Actually I might as well make it more general, by allowing the hexagon to be replaced by any of the twelve double-size hexiamonds. The coordinates of the hexiamonds are specified on the command line. I use the following coordinates for triangles: Those with apex at the top are $(x,y)$; those with apex at the bottom are $(x,y)'$. If we think of a clock placed in the center of triangle $(x,y)$, it has edge neighbors $(x,y)'$ at 2 o'clock, $(x,y-1)'$ at 6 o'clock, $(x-1,y)'$ at 10 o'clock; it sees its nearest upright neighbors $(x,y+1)$ at 1 o'clock, $(x+1,y)$ at 3 o'clock, $(x+1,y-1)$ at 5 o'clock, $(x,y-1)$ at 7 o'clock, $(x-1,y)$ at 9 o'clock, $(x-1,y+1)$ at 11 o'clock. The transformation $(x,y)\mapsto(-y,x+y)'$, $(x,y)'\mapsto(-y,x+y+1)$ rotates $60^\circ$ about the lower left corner point of $(0,0)$. (Putting $(x,y)$ and $(x,y)'$ together in a parallelogram, then slanting the parallelogram into a square, gives normal Cartesian coordinates for the squares.) The hexagon consists of $\Delta$ triangles $(x,y)$ for $0\le x,y\le3$ and $2\le x+y\le5$, together with the $\nabla$ triangles $(x,y)'$ for $0\le x,y\le3$ and $1\le x+y\le4$. To specify it on the command line, say this: $$\.{macmahon-triangles-dlx 00+ 10 10+ 01 01+ 11}$$ [It's inconvenient to use the character `\.'' in a command line, so we use `\.+'.] With change files I'll adapt the rules for edge matching. So I use a |mate| table that presently does nothing. @c #include #include char piece[24][4]; char occ[6][6], occp[6][6], edgeh[7][7], edgel[7][7], edger[7][7]; char mate[256]; main(int argc,char *argv[]) { register int i,j,k,l,x,y,z; @; @; @; @; for (j=0;j<6;j++) for (k=0;k<6;k++) { if (occ[j][k]) @; if (occp[j][k]) @; } @; } @ @= mate['a']='a'; mate['b']='b'; mate['c']='c'; mate['d']='d'; @ @= for (i=0,j='a';j<='d';j++) { piece[i][0]=piece[i][1]=piece[i][2]=j,i++; for (k='a';k<='d';k++) if (j!=k) piece[i][0]=piece[i][1]=j, piece[i][2]=k, i++; for (k=j+1;k<='d';k++) for (l=k+1;l<='d';l++) { piece[i][0]=j, piece[i][1]=k, piece[i][2]=l, i++; piece[i][0]=j, piece[i][1]=l, piece[i][2]=k, i++; } } @ @= if (argc!=7) { fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s t1 t2 t3 t3 t4 t5 t6\n", argv[0]); exit(-1); } for (j=1;j<=6;j++) { x=2*(argv[j][0]-'0'), y=2*(argv[j][1]-'0'); if (argv[j][2]=='\0') z=0; else if (argv[j][2]=='+') z=1; else { fprintf(stderr,"Triangle `%s' should have the form xy or xy+!\n", argv[j]); exit(-2); } if (x<0 || x>4 || y<0 || y>4) { fprintf(stderr,"Triangle `%s' should have coordinates between 0 and 3!\n", argv[j]); exit(-3); } @; } @; printf("| %s %s %s %s %s %s %s\n", argv[0],argv[1],argv[2],argv[3],argv[4],argv[5],argv[6]); @ @= if (occ[x+z][y+z]) { fprintf(stderr,"Triangle `%s' has been specified twice!\n", argv[j]); exit(-4); } occ[x+z][y+z]=occp[x+z][y+z]=1; if (z) occp[x][y+1]=occp[x+1][y]=1; else occ[x][y+1]=occ[x+1][y]=1; @ @= for (x=0;x<6;x++) for (y=0;y<6;y++) { edgeh[x][y]+=occ[x][y],edgel[x][y]+=occ[x][y],edger[x][y]+=occ[x][y]; edgeh[x][y+1]+=occp[x][y],edgel[x][y]+=occp[x][y],edger[x+1][y]+=occp[x][y]; } @ There's a primary item \.* for forcing the boundary condition. There's a primary item $xy$ or \.{$xy$'} for each triangle. There's a primary item $abc$ for each piece. There's a secondary item for each edge, denoting the color on that edge; the edges are \.{-$xy$}, \.{/$xy$}, \.{\char`\\$xy$} for the horizontal, forward-leaning, or backward-leaning edges that surround triangle $(x,y)$. @= printf("* "); for (j=0;j<6;j++) for (k=0;k<6;k++) { if (occ[j][k]) printf("%d%d ",j,k); if (occp[j][k]) printf("%d%d' ",j,k); } for (i=0;i<24;i++) printf("%s ",piece[i]); printf("|"); for (j=0;j<7;j++) for (k=0;k<7;k++) { if (edgeh[j][k]) printf(" -%d%d",j,k); if (edger[j][k]) printf(" /%d%d",j,k); if (edgel[j][k]) printf(" \\%d%d",j,k); } printf("\n"); @ @= for (i=0;i<24;i++) { printf("%d%d %s -%d%d:%c /%d%d:%c \\%d%d:%c\n", j,k,piece[i],j,k,piece[i][0],j,k,piece[i][1],j,k,piece[i][2]); if (piece[i][1]!=piece[i][2]) { printf("%d%d %s -%d%d:%c /%d%d:%c \\%d%d:%c\n", j,k,piece[i],j,k,piece[i][1],j,k,piece[i][2],j,k,piece[i][0]); printf("%d%d %s -%d%d:%c /%d%d:%c \\%d%d:%c\n", j,k,piece[i],j,k,piece[i][2],j,k,piece[i][0],j,k,piece[i][1]); } } @ @= for (i=0;i<24;i++) { printf("%d%d' %s -%d%d:%c /%d%d:%c \\%d%d:%c\n", j,k,piece[i],j,k+1,mate[piece[i][0]],j+1,k,mate[piece[i][1]],j,k,mate[piece[i][2]]); if (piece[i][1]!=piece[i][2]) { printf("%d%d' %s -%d%d:%c /%d%d:%c \\%d%d:%c\n", j,k,piece[i],j,k+1,mate[piece[i][1]],j+1,k,mate[piece[i][2]],j,k,mate[piece[i][0]]); printf("%d%d' %s -%d%d:%c /%d%d:%c \\%d%d:%c\n", j,k,piece[i],j,k+1,mate[piece[i][2]],j+1,k,mate[piece[i][0]],j,k,mate[piece[i][1]]); } } @ The boundary edges all are colored \.a. (A text editor could change this.) @= printf("*"); for (j=0;j<7;j++) for (k=0;k<7;k++) { if (edgeh[j][k]==1) printf(" -%d%d:%c", j,k,!occ[j][k]?mate['a']:'a'); if (edgel[j][k]==1) printf(" \\%d%d:%c", j,k,!occ[j][k]?mate['a']:'a'); if (edger[j][k]==1) printf(" /%d%d:%c", j,k,!occ[j][k]?mate['a']:'a'); } printf("\n"); @*Index.