@s variable int @s clause int \datethis @*Intro. This program is part of a series of ``SAT-solvers'' that I'm putting together for my own education as I prepare to write Section of {\sl The Art of Computer Programming}. My intent is to have a variety of compatible programs on which I can run experiments to learn how different approaches work in practice. This time I'm implementing {\mc WALKSAT}, a notable development of the {\mc WALK} algorithm that was featured in {\mc SAT7}. Instead of using completely random choices when a variable is flipped, {\mc WALKSAT} makes a more informed decision. The {\mc WALKSAT} method was introduced by B.~Selman, H.~A. Kautz, and B.~Cohen in {\sl National Conference on Artificial Intelligence\/ \bf12} (1994), 337--343. @ If you have already read {\mc SAT7}, or any other program of this series, you might as well skip now past the rest of this introduction, and past the code for the ``I/O wrapper'' that is presented in the next dozen or so sections, because you've seen it before. (Except that there are some new command-line options.) The input appears on |stdin| as a series of lines, with one clause per line. Each clause is a sequence of literals separated by spaces. Each literal is a sequence of one to eight ASCII characters between \.{!} and \.{\}}, inclusive, not beginning with \.{\~}, optionally preceded by \.{\~} (which makes the literal ``negative''). For example, Rivest's famous clauses on four variables, found in 6.5--(13) and 7.1.1--(32) of {\sl TAOCP}, can be represented by the following eight lines of input: $$\chardef~=`\~ \vcenter{\halign{\tt#\cr x2 x3 ~x4\cr x1 x3 x4\cr ~x1 x2 x4\cr ~x1 ~x2 x3\cr ~x2 ~x3 x4\cr ~x1 ~x3 ~x4\cr x1 ~x2 ~x4\cr x1 x2 ~x3\cr}}$$ Input lines that begin with \.{\~\ } are ignored (treated as comments). The output will be `\.{\~?}' if the algorithm could not find a way to satisfy the input clauses. Otherwise it will be a list of noncontradictory literals that cover each clause, separated by spaces. (``Noncontradictory'' means that we don't have both a literal and its negation.) The input above would, for example, yield `\.{\~?}'; but if the final clause were omitted, the output would be `\.{\~x1} \.{\~x2} \.{x3}', together with either \.{x4} or \.{\~x4} (but not both). No attempt is made to find all solutions; at most one solution is given. The running time in ``mems'' is also reported, together with the approximate number of bytes needed for data storage. One ``mem'' essentially means a memory access to a 64-bit word. (These totals don't include the time or space needed to parse the input or to format the output.) @ So here's the structure of the program. (Skip ahead if you are impatient to see the interesting stuff.) @d o mems++ /* count one mem */ @d oo mems+=2 /* count two mems */ @d ooo mems+=3 /* count three mems */ @c #include #include #include #include "gb_flip.h" typedef unsigned int uint; /* a convenient abbreviation */ typedef unsigned long long ullng; /* ditto */ @; @; @; main (int argc, char *argv[]) { register uint c,g,h,i,j,k,l,p,q,r,ii,kk,ll,fcount; @; @; @; if (verbose&show_basics) @; @; imems=mems, mems=0; @; if (verbose&show_basics) fprintf(stderr, "Altogether %llu+%llu mems, %llu bytes, %d trial%s, %llu steps.\n", imems,mems,bytes,trial+1,trial?"s":"",step); } @ @d show_basics 1 /* |verbose| code for basic stats */ @d show_choices 2 /* |verbose| code for backtrack logging */ @d show_details 4 /* |verbose| code for further commentary */ @d show_gory_details 8 /* |verbose| code turned on when debugging */ @= int random_seed=0; /* seed for the random words of |gb_rand| */ int verbose=show_basics; /* level of verbosity */ int hbits=8; /* logarithm of the number of the hash lists */ int buf_size=1024; /* must exceed the length of the longest input line */ ullng maxsteps; /* maximum steps per walk (|maxthresh*n| by default) */ unsigned int maxthresh=50; int maxtrials=1000000; /* maximum walks to try */ double nongreedprob=0.4; /* the probability bias for nongreedy choices */ unsigned long nongreedthresh; /* coerced since |gb_next_rand| is |long| */ ullng imems,mems; /* mem counts */ ullng thresh=0; /* report when |mems| exceeds this, if |delta!=0| */ ullng delta=0; /* report every |delta| or so mems */ ullng timeout=0x1fffffffffffffff; /* give up after this many mems */ ullng bytes; /* memory used by main data structures */ @ On the command line one can specify any or all of the following options: \smallskip \item{$\bullet$} `\.v$\langle\,$integer$\,\rangle$' to enable various levels of verbose output on |stderr|. \item{$\bullet$} `\.h$\langle\,$positive integer$\,\rangle$' to adjust the hash table size. \item{$\bullet$} `\.b$\langle\,$positive integer$\,\rangle$' to adjust the size of the input buffer. \item{$\bullet$} `\.s$\langle\,$integer$\,\rangle$' to define the seed for any random numbers that are used. \item{$\bullet$} `\.d$\langle\,$integer$\,\rangle$' to set |delta| for periodic state reports. \item{$\bullet$} `\.t$\langle\,$integer$\,\rangle$' to define the maximum number of steps per random walk. \item{$\bullet$} `\.c$\langle\,$integer$\,\rangle$' to define the maximum number of steps per variable, per random walk, if the \.t parameter hasn't been given. (The default is 50.) \item{$\bullet$} `\.w$\langle\,$integer$\,\rangle$' to define the maximum number of walks attempted. \item{$\bullet$} `\.p$\langle\,$float$\,\rangle$' to define the probability |nongreedprob| of nongreedy choices. \item{$\bullet$} `\.T$\langle\,$integer$\,\rangle$' to set |timeout|: This program will abruptly terminate, when it discovers that |mems>timeout|. @= for (j=argc-1,k=0;j;j--) switch (argv[j][0]) { case 'v': k|=(sscanf(argv[j]+1,"%d",&verbose)-1);@+break; case 'h': k|=(sscanf(argv[j]+1,"%d",&hbits)-1);@+break; case 'b': k|=(sscanf(argv[j]+1,"%d",&buf_size)-1);@+break; case 's': k|=(sscanf(argv[j]+1,"%d",&random_seed)-1);@+break; case 'd': k|=(sscanf(argv[j]+1,"%lld",&delta)-1);@+thresh=delta;@+break; case 't': k|=(sscanf(argv[j]+1,"%llu",&maxsteps)-1);@+break; case 'c': k|=(sscanf(argv[j]+1,"%u",&maxthresh)-1);@+break; case 'w': k|=(sscanf(argv[j]+1,"%d",&maxtrials)-1);@+break; case 'p': k|=(sscanf(argv[j]+1,"%lf",&nongreedprob)-1);@+break; case 'T': k|=(sscanf(argv[j]+1,"%lld",&timeout)-1);@+break; default: k=1; /* unrecognized command-line option */ } if (k || hbits<0 || hbits>30 || buf_size<=0) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [v] [h] [b] [s] [d]",argv[0]); fprintf(stderr," [t] [c] [w] [p] [T] < foo.sat\n"); exit(-1); } if (nongreedprob<0.0 || nongreedprob>1.0) { fprintf(stderr,"Parameter p should be between 0.0 and 1.0!\n"); exit(-666); } @*The I/O wrapper. The following routines read the input and absorb it into temporary data areas from which all of the ``real'' data structures can readily be initialized. My intent is to incorporate these routines in all of the SAT-solvers in this series. Therefore I've tried to make the code short and simple, yet versatile enough so that almost no restrictions are placed on the sizes of problems that can be handled. These routines are supposed to work properly unless there are more than $2^{32}-1=4$,294,967,295 occurrences of literals in clauses, or more than $2^{31}-1=2$,147,483,647 variables or clauses. In these temporary tables, each variable is represented by four things: its unique name; its serial number; the clause number (if any) in which it has most recently appeared; and a pointer to the previous variable (if any) with the same hash address. Several variables at a time are represented sequentially in small chunks of memory called ``vchunks,'' which are allocated as needed (and freed later). @d vars_per_vchunk 341 /* preferably $(2^k-1)/3$ for some $k$ */ @= typedef union { char ch8[8]; uint u2[2]; long long lng; } octa; typedef struct tmp_var_struct { octa name; /* the name (one to eight ASCII characters) */ uint serial; /* 0 for the first variable, 1 for the second, etc. */ int stamp; /* |m| if positively in clause |m|; |-m| if negatively there */ struct tmp_var_struct *next; /* pointer for hash list */ } tmp_var; @# typedef struct vchunk_struct { struct vchunk_struct *prev; /* previous chunk allocated (if any) */ tmp_var var[vars_per_vchunk]; } vchunk; @ Each clause in the temporary tables is represented by a sequence of one or more pointers to the |tmp_var| nodes of the literals involved. A negated literal is indicated by adding~1 to such a pointer. The first literal of a clause is indicated by adding~2. Several of these pointers are represented sequentially in chunks of memory, which are allocated as needed and freed later. @d cells_per_chunk 511 /* preferably $2^k-1$ for some $k$ */ @= typedef struct chunk_struct { struct chunk_struct *prev; /* previous chunk allocated (if any) */ tmp_var *cell[cells_per_chunk]; } chunk; @ @= char *buf; /* buffer for reading the lines (clauses) of |stdin| */ tmp_var **hash; /* heads of the hash lists */ uint hash_bits[93][8]; /* random bits for universal hash function */ vchunk *cur_vchunk; /* the vchunk currently being filled */ tmp_var *cur_tmp_var; /* current place to create new |tmp_var| entries */ tmp_var *bad_tmp_var; /* the |cur_tmp_var| when we need a new |vchunk| */ chunk *cur_chunk; /* the chunk currently being filled */ tmp_var **cur_cell; /* current place to create new elements of a clause */ tmp_var **bad_cell; /* the |cur_cell| when we need a new |chunk| */ ullng vars; /* how many distinct variables have we seen? */ ullng clauses; /* how many clauses have we seen? */ ullng nullclauses; /* how many of them were null? */ ullng cells; /* how many occurrences of literals in clauses? */ @ @= gb_init_rand(random_seed); buf=(char*)malloc(buf_size*sizeof(char)); if (!buf) { fprintf(stderr,"Couldn't allocate the input buffer (buf_size=%d)!\n", buf_size); exit(-2); } hash=(tmp_var**)malloc(sizeof(tmp_var)<= while (1) { if (!fgets(buf,buf_size,stdin)) break; clauses++; if (buf[strlen(buf)-1]!='\n') { fprintf(stderr, "The clause on line %lld (%.20s...) is too long for me;\n",clauses,buf); fprintf(stderr," my buf_size is only %d!\n",buf_size); fprintf(stderr,"Please use the command-line option b.\n"); exit(-4); } @; } if ((vars>>hbits)>=10) { fprintf(stderr,"There are %llu variables but only %d hash tables;\n", vars,1<>hbits)>=10) hbits++; fprintf(stderr," maybe you should use command-line option h%d?\n",hbits); } clauses-=nullclauses; if (clauses==0) { fprintf(stderr,"No clauses were input!\n"); exit(-77); } if (vars>=0x80000000) { fprintf(stderr,"Whoa, the input had %llu variables!\n",vars); exit(-664); } if (clauses>=0x80000000) { fprintf(stderr,"Whoa, the input had %llu clauses!\n",clauses); exit(-665); } if (cells>=0x100000000) { fprintf(stderr,"Whoa, the input had %llu occurrences of literals!\n",cells); exit(-666); } @ @= for (j=k=0;;) { while (buf[j]==' ') j++; /* scan to nonblank */ if (buf[j]=='\n') break; if (buf[j]<' ' || buf[j]>'~') { fprintf(stderr,"Illegal character (code #%x) in the clause on line %lld!\n", buf[j],clauses); exit(-5); } if (buf[j]=='~') i=1,j++; else i=0; @; } if (k==0) { fprintf(stderr,"(Empty line %lld is being ignored)\n",clauses); nullclauses++; /* strictly speaking it would be unsatisfiable */ } goto clause_done; empty_clause: @; clause_done: cells+=k; @ We need a hack to insert the bit codes 1 and/or 2 into a pointer value. @d hack_in(q,t) (tmp_var*)(t|(ullng)q) @= { register tmp_var *p; if (cur_tmp_var==bad_tmp_var) @; @name| and compute its hash code |h|@>; @name| in the hash table at |p|@>; if (p->stamp==clauses || p->stamp==-clauses) @@; else { p->stamp=(i? -clauses: clauses); if (cur_cell==bad_cell) @; *cur_cell=p; if (i==1) *cur_cell=hack_in(*cur_cell,1); if (k==0) *cur_cell=hack_in(*cur_cell,2); cur_cell++,k++; } } @ @= { register vchunk *new_vchunk; new_vchunk=(vchunk*)malloc(sizeof(vchunk)); if (!new_vchunk) { fprintf(stderr,"Can't allocate a new vchunk!\n"); exit(-6); } new_vchunk->prev=cur_vchunk, cur_vchunk=new_vchunk; cur_tmp_var=&new_vchunk->var[0]; bad_tmp_var=&new_vchunk->var[vars_per_vchunk]; } @ @= { register chunk *new_chunk; new_chunk=(chunk*)malloc(sizeof(chunk)); if (!new_chunk) { fprintf(stderr,"Can't allocate a new chunk!\n"); exit(-7); } new_chunk->prev=cur_chunk, cur_chunk=new_chunk; cur_cell=&new_chunk->cell[0]; bad_cell=&new_chunk->cell[cells_per_chunk]; } @ The hash code is computed via ``universal hashing,'' using the following precomputed tables of random bits. @= for (j=92;j;j--) for (k=0;k<8;k++) hash_bits[j][k]=gb_next_rand(); @ @name|...@>= cur_tmp_var->name.lng=0; for (h=l=0;buf[j+l]>' '&&buf[j+l]<='~';l++) { if (l>7) { fprintf(stderr, "Variable name %.9s... in the clause on line %lld is too long!\n", buf+j,clauses); exit(-8); } h^=hash_bits[buf[j+l]-'!'][l]; cur_tmp_var->name.ch8[l]=buf[j+l]; } if (l==0) goto empty_clause; /* `\.\~' by itself is like `true' */ j+=l; h&=(1<name| in the hash table...@>= for (p=hash[h];p;p=p->next) if (p->name.lng==cur_tmp_var->name.lng) break; if (!p) { /* new variable found */ p=cur_tmp_var++; p->next=hash[h], hash[h]=p; p->serial=vars++; p->stamp=0; } @ The most interesting aspect of the input phase is probably the ``unwinding'' that we might need to do when encountering a literal more than once in the same clause. @= { if ((p->stamp>0)==(i>0)) goto empty_clause; } @ An input line that begins with `\.{\~\ }' is silently treated as a comment. Otherwise redundant clauses are logged, in case they were unintentional. (One can, however, intentionally use redundant clauses to force the order of the variables.) @= while (k) { @; k--; } if ((buf[0]!='~')||(buf[1]!=' ')) fprintf(stderr,"(The clause on line %lld is always satisfied)\n",clauses); nullclauses++; @ @= if (cur_cell>&cur_chunk->cell[0]) cur_cell--; else { register chunk *old_chunk=cur_chunk; cur_chunk=old_chunk->prev;@+free(old_chunk); bad_cell=&cur_chunk->cell[cells_per_chunk]; cur_cell=bad_cell-1; } @ Notice that the old ``temporary variable'' data goes away here. (A bug bit me in the first version of the code because of this.) @= if (cur_tmp_var>&cur_vchunk->var[0]) cur_tmp_var--; else { register vchunk *old_vchunk=cur_vchunk; cur_vchunk=old_vchunk->prev;@+free(old_vchunk); bad_tmp_var=&cur_vchunk->var[vars_per_vchunk]; cur_tmp_var=bad_tmp_var-1; } @ @= fprintf(stderr, "(%llu variables, %llu clauses, %llu literals successfully read)\n", vars,clauses,cells); @*SAT solving, version 8. The {\mc WALKSAT} algorithm is only a little bit more complicated than the {\mc WALK} method, but the differences mean that we cannot simulate simultaneous runs with bitwise operations. Let $x=x_1\ldots x_n$ be a binary vector that represents all $n$ variables, and let $T$ be a given tolerance (representing the amount of patience that we have). We start by setting $x$ to a completely random vector; then we repeat the following steps, at most $T$ times: {\smallskip\narrower\noindent Check to see if $x$ satisfies all the clauses. If so, output~$x$; we're done! If not, select a clause $c$ that isn't true, uniformly at random from all such clauses; say $c$ is the union of $k$ literals, $l_1\vee\cdots\vee l_k$. Sort those literals according to their ``break count,'' which is the number of clauses that will become false when that literal is flipped. Choose a literal to flip by the following method: If no literal has a break count of zero, and if a biased coin turns up heads, choose $l_j$ at random from among all $k$ literals. Otherwise, choose $l_j$ at random from among those with smallest break count. Then change the bit of~$x$ that will make $l_j$ true. \par} \smallskip\noindent If that random walk doesn't succeed, we can try again with another starting value of~$x$, until we've seen enough failures to be convinced that we're probably doomed to defeat. @ The data structures are somewhat interesting, but not tricky: There are four main arrays, |cmem|, |vmem|, |mem|, and |tmem|. Structured |clause| nodes appear in |cmem|, and structured |variable| nodes appear in |vmem|. Each clause points to a sequential list of literals in~|mem|; each literal points to a sequential list of clauses in~|tmem|, which is essentially the ``transpose'' of the information in~|mem|. If |fcount| clauses are currently false, the first |fcount| entries of~|cmem| also contain the indices of those clauses. As in most previous programs of this series, the literals $x$ and $\bar x$ are represented internally by $2k$ and $2k+1$ when $x$ is the $k$th variable. The symbolic names of variables are kept separately in |nmem|, not in |vmem|, for reasons of efficiency. (Otherwise a |variable| struct would take up five octabytes, and addressing would be slower.) @d value(l) (vmem[(l)>>1].val^((l)&1)) @= typedef struct { uint val; /* the variable's current value */ uint breakcount; /* how many clauses are false except for this variable */ uint pos_start,neg_start; /* where the clause lists start in |tmem| */ } variable; typedef struct { uint start; /* where the literal list starts in |mem| */ uint tcount; /* how many of those literals are currently true? */ uint fplace; /* if |tcount=0|, which |fslot| holds this clause? */ uint fslot; /* the number of a false clause, if needed */ } clause; @ @= clause *cmem; /* the master array of clauses */ variable *vmem; /* the master array of variables */ uint *mem; /* the master array of literals in clauses */ uint *cur_mcell; /* the current cell of interest in |mem| */ uint *tmem; /* the master array of clauses containing literals */ octa *nmem; /* the master array of symbolic variable names */ int trial; /* which trial are we on? */ ullng step; /* which step are we on? */ uint *best; /* temporary array to hold literal names for a clause */ @ Here is a subroutine that prints a clause symbolically. It illustrates some of the conventions of the data structures that have been explained above. I use it only for debugging. @= void print_clause(uint c) { /* the first clause is called clause 1, not 0 */ register uint l,ll; fprintf(stderr,"%d:",c); /* show the clause number */ for (l=cmem[c-1].start;l>1].ch8,value(ll)); } fprintf(stderr,"\n"); } @ Another version of that routine, used to display unsatisfied clauses in verbose mode, shows the current breakcounts of each literal. @= void print_unsat_clause(uint c) { register uint l,ll; fprintf(stderr,"%d:",c); /* show the clause number */ for (l=cmem[c-1].start;l>1].ch8, vmem[ll>>1].breakcount); } fprintf(stderr,"\n"); } @ Similarly, we can list the clause numbers that contain a given literal. (Notice the limits on~|c| in the loop here.) @= void print_literal_uses(uint l) { register uint ll,c; ll=l>>1; fprintf(stderr,"%s%.8s(%d) is in",l&1?"~":"",nmem[ll].ch8,value(l)); for (c=(l&1?vmem[ll].neg_start:vmem[ll].pos_start); c<(l&1?vmem[ll+1].pos_start:vmem[ll].neg_start); c++) fprintf(stderr," %d",tmem[c]); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); } @*Initializing the real data structures. We're ready now to convert the temporary chunks of data into the form we want, and to recycle those chunks. @= @; @; @; @; @; @; @ @= free(buf);@+free(hash); /* a tiny gesture to make a little room */ vmem=(variable*)malloc((vars+1)*sizeof(variable)); if (!vmem) { fprintf(stderr,"Oops, I can't allocate the vmem array!\n"); exit(-12); } bytes=(vars+1)*sizeof(variable); nmem=(octa*)malloc(vars*sizeof(octa)); if (!nmem) { fprintf(stderr,"Oops, I can't allocate the nmem array!\n"); exit(-13); } bytes+=vars*sizeof(octa); mem=(uint*)malloc(cells*sizeof(uint)); if (!mem) { fprintf(stderr,"Oops, I can't allocate the big mem array!\n"); exit(-10); } bytes+=cells*sizeof(uint); tmem=(uint*)malloc(cells*sizeof(uint)); if (!tmem) { fprintf(stderr,"Oops, I can't allocate the big tmem array!\n"); exit(-14); } bytes+=cells*sizeof(uint); cmem=(clause*)malloc((clauses+1)*sizeof(clause)); if (!cmem) { fprintf(stderr,"Oops, I can't allocate the cmem array!\n"); exit(-11); } bytes+=(clauses+1)*sizeof(clause); @ @= for (c=vars; c; c--) o,vmem[c-1].pos_start=vmem[c-1].neg_start=0; @ @= for (c=clauses,cur_mcell=mem+cells,kk=0; c; c--) { o,cmem[c].start=cur_mcell-mem,k=0; @; if (k>kk) kk=k; /* maximum clause size seen so far */ } if (cur_mcell!=mem) { fprintf(stderr,"Confusion about the number of cells!\n"); exit(-99); } cmem[0].start=0; best=(uint*)malloc(kk*sizeof(uint)); if (!best) { fprintf(stderr,"Oops, I can't allocate the best array!\n"); exit(-16); } bytes+=kk*sizeof(uint); @ The basic idea is to ``unwind'' the steps that we went through while building up the chunks. @d hack_out(q) (((ullng)q)&0x3) @d hack_clean(q) ((tmp_var*)((ullng)q&-4)) @= for (i=0;i<2;k++) { @; i=hack_out(*cur_cell); p=hack_clean(*cur_cell)->serial; cur_mcell--; o,*cur_mcell=l=p+p+(i&1); if (l&1) oo,vmem[l>>1].neg_start++; else oo,vmem[l>>1].pos_start++; } @ @= for (j=k=0;k>1].neg_start-1,tmem[i]=c,vmem[l>>1].neg_start=i; else ooo,i=vmem[l>>1].pos_start-1,tmem[i]=c,vmem[l>>1].pos_start=i; } @ @= for (c=vars; c; c--) { @; o,nmem[c-1].lng=cur_tmp_var->name.lng; } @ We should now have unwound all the temporary data chunks back to their beginnings. @= if (cur_cell!=&cur_chunk->cell[0] || cur_chunk->prev!=NULL || cur_tmp_var!=&cur_vchunk->var[0] || cur_vchunk->prev!=NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"This can't happen (consistency check failure)!\n"); exit(-14); } free(cur_chunk);@+free(cur_vchunk); @*Doing it. So we take random walks. @= if (maxsteps==0) maxsteps=maxthresh*vars; nongreedthresh=nongreedprob*(unsigned long)0x80000000; for (trial=0;trial=thresh)) { thresh+=delta; fprintf(stderr," after %lld mems, beginning trial %d\n",mems,trial+1); }@+else if (verbose&show_choices) fprintf(stderr,"beginning trial %d\n",trial+1); @; if (verbose&show_details) @; @; for (step=0;;step++) { if (fcount==0) @; if (mems>timeout) { fprintf(stderr,"TIMEOUT!\n"); goto done; } if (step==maxsteps) break; @; @; @; } } printf("~?\n"); /* we weren't able to satisfy all the clauses */ if (verbose&show_basics) fprintf(stderr,"DUNNO\n"); trial--; /* restore the actual number of trials made */ done: @ The macro |gb_next_rand()| delivers a 31-bit random integer, and my convention is to charge four mems whenever it is called. @= for (k=0,r=1;k>=1; vmem[k].breakcount=0; } @ @= fcount=0; for (c=k=0;c>1].breakcount++; else oo,cmem[c].fplace=fcount,cmem[fcount++].fslot=c; } } @ @= if (verbose&show_gory_details) { fprintf(stderr,"currently false:\n"); for (k=0;k= oo,k=cmem[c].start,kk=cmem[c+1].start,h=kk-k; ooo,p=mem[k],r=vmem[p>>1].breakcount,best[0]=p,j=1; for (k++;k>1].breakcount; if (q<=r) { if (q>1; if (verbose&show_choices) { if (verbose&show_details) fprintf(stderr,", %d*%d of %d%s,",r,j,h,g?"":" nongreedy"); fprintf(stderr," flip %s%.8s (cost %d)\n", vmem[p].val?"":"~",nmem[p].ch8,vmem[p].breakcount); } @ At this point |p=l>>1|. @= if (l&1) { oo,k=vmem[p].neg_start, kk=vmem[p+1].pos_start; @; o,vmem[p].breakcount=h, vmem[p].val=0; k=vmem[p].pos_start, kk=vmem[p].neg_start; @; }@+else { o,k=vmem[p].pos_start, kk=vmem[p].neg_start; @; o,vmem[p].breakcount=h, vmem[p].val=1; o,k=kk, kk=vmem[p+1].pos_start; @; } @ @= for (h=0;k@; else { /* delete |c| from false list */ oo,i=cmem[c].fplace,q=cmem[--fcount].fslot; oo,cmem[i].fslot=q,cmem[q].fplace=i; h++; /* the flipped literal is now critical */ } } } @ @= for (;k@; else { /* insert |c| into false list */ oo,cmem[fcount].fslot=c,cmem[c].fplace=fcount++; } } } @ We know that |c| has exactly one true literal at this moment. @= { for (o,i=cmem[c].start;;i++) { o,q=mem[i]; if (o,value(q)) break; } o,vmem[q>>1].breakcount--; } @ As an experiment, I'm swapping the first true literal into the first position of its clause, hoping that subsequent ``decrease'' loops will thereby be shortened. @= { for (o,ii=i=cmem[c].start;;i++) { o,q=mem[i]; if (o,value(q)) break; } o,vmem[q>>1].breakcount++; if (i!=ii) oo,mem[i]=mem[ii],mem[ii]=q; } @ @= { fprintf(stderr," initial guess"); for (k=0;k= { for (k=0;k